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File Catalog
This group of mortgage calculators helps you determine if youll qualify for a loan of a certain amount or what amount you can qualify for based on your income and debt. It also includes a prepayment calculator that accepts balloon and periodic payments, as well as an amortization-schedule calculator. |
The program for learning foreign words through a singing favourite songs |
BusinessMail email server with fully configurable anti-spam system. |
BG Calculator combines ease of use with a lot of powerful features, memory, history, statistical functions, numerous skins. It has a flexible interface that can be easily adjusted to your taste. It operates on various types of calculations. |
Use this program to easily and quickly design and print professional business cards. The program interface was designed so that even the beginning user will have no problem operating the program. BusinessCards MX contains 750 business cards templates |
Business-in-a-Box is the World's Leading Business Document Templates Software. Including over 1,500 business and legal documents, it's an essential tool to help you start, run grow your business like a pro! |
Business-in-a-Box is the World's Leading Business Document Templates Software. Including over 1,500 business and legal documents, it's an essential tool to help you start, run grow your business like a pro! |
Business valuation with a 3 year performance forecast, sensitivity analysis, investment return, and calculated business valuation. Easy to use input interface with tabluar and graphical outputs. |
Business Translator translates word, sentence, passage, Webpages, Websites among 11 languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese. |
Compilation of How-To reports, time-saving tips, personal self-help, and money-saving ideas for small business owners. |