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Main » Files » Business » Accounting Tools

ExactSpent Time Tracking Software 2006
19.02.2011, 02:13
ExactSpent 2006 is a time tracking software, which provides exact record of the time you spent on jobs. Easy to use utility to track your time, store your time records, get time logs of your time spent on the job for own use or for reporting to a client.

ExactSpent time tracking software enables you to create, start, pause and resume timers for multiple jobs easily using intuitive interface.

Use hotkeys for faster and more convenient use of ExactSpent. You do not need to switch to ExactSpent to Pause, Continue, Stop or Switch Job.

Have you ever written down time when you have started and finished your work? Maybe you have had multiple jobs to do and you needed to calculate multiple periods when pausing the work on one project and starting the work on another one? Of course, it is not an easy task without time tracking software, which tracks everything for you.

Time is money. Don't waste it.

Category: Accounting Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 168 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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