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Main » Files » Business » Accounting Tools

ExpenseClassifier V3.1
19.02.2011, 02:14
This Excel Workbook is for those of us
who have saved all the information
needed for our yearly taxes in an
unordered and unstructured mess. The
information may be in one file (pile ) or may be in several. Instead of physically sorting these pile into the various types (Categories) need for each input line on your tax return, you can easily pick a deduction Category and then enter the source (check 2345, Visa_Jan, Visa_Feb, MasterCard_Jan, MasterCard_Feb, File_folder_X, etc.
When done all inputting the Expense ( and/or) deductions it will summarize them, sorted by deductions Category.

Category: Accounting Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 138 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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