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Forex Megadroid Download Platinum 6
19.02.2011, 03:55
Forex Megadroid Download and RCTPA Technology, a detailed review on how RCTPA technology accurately predicts forex signals up to 99.9% accuracy!The evolution of FOREX robots in the market has been highly beneficial to traders. However like any other machines that were invented, these FOREX robots are continuously evolving. New and better robots are being introduced to the market from time to time. Download Forex Megadroid Platinum Edition now

FOREX Megadroid is the first to use an AI technology called the Reverse Correlated Time and Price Analysis (RCTPA) making it able to work on multi market conditions. The FAP turbo is built with the High Spread Protection System (HSPS) and Built in Loss Prevention (BILP) for large investment portfolios and long term trading. FOREX Megadroid is designed to be invisible to brokers. No broker can identify that you are trading with this machine, while FAP turbo is visible to them.
FOREX Megadroid trades only in a one hour time frame and for one currency pair, Euro and Dollar. This enables the robot to focus on its analysis therefore giving you a higher accuracy rate. The FAP turbo on the other hand may give you many profitable trades per day because it trades in every currency.

Category: Accounting Tools | Added by: File-Post
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