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AyaNova Service Management Work Order Software 3
11.01.2011, 22:45
AyaNova has powerful features to help manage all aspects of service.

Use AyaNova service workorders to schedule individual or multiple users, enter in TO DO tasks, identify equipment that is to be serviced to maintain a service history, identify parts used in service, track service labor for each workorder item, as well as travel and miscellaneous expenses. Workorder items can be moved or copied to a new service workorder. Automatically assign labor against banked service that a client has pre-paid for. All this and much more are available with the AyaNova service workorder.

Create preventive maintenance for a client and/or their units that auto-convert to service workorders. Create quotes that can be auto copied to service workorders.

AyaNova includes an Outlook-style graphical Schedule screen where you can view multiple schedulable users at one time, as well as individual schedulable users. Create new workorders, edit existing, create views to display based on skills, certificates, as well as dispatch zones and regions that schedulable users belong to.

Inventory features such as on-hand quantities, restock levels, purchase orders, auto part request and restock lists for purchase orders, receiving, and part requests via workorders will expand your service capabilities as well as allow you to watch your bottom line.

Optional interface with QuickBooks.

Assign contracts to clients and headoffices to automatically provide specific service and travel rates, and discounts on parts, and enter in pre-paid amounts for currency amount, incidents or hours, and automatically apply against from service workorders to maintain an exact balance.

Add custom fields, and localize all text labels within AyaNova to reflect your service industry, needs and language. Includes English, Deutsch (German), Espanol (Spanish) and Francais (French) language locales.

Customize and create reports directly from within AyaNova without the need for additional software.

Category: Applications | Added by: File-Post
Views: 106 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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