This product allows saving images from webcam or other video capture device starting on motion detection or constantly with given time interval (ranging from 1 to 30 seconds).
It is possible to save the defined amount of shots after motion has been detected. The built-in viewer allows viewing cam shots in manual mode and conduct searching in slide show mode (pseudo-video) with given speed of cam shot change.
Work with any WEB-cameras and other videodevices;
Work begins at once after start of the program;
Motion sensitivity adjusting;
1-30 quantity of snapshots after every motion;
Internal viewer with slide-show mode(fast search);
Hand mode for take snapshots every 1-30 sec;
Snapshots format - jpg (1 snapshot size ~10-30 Kb);
Built-in viewer;
Built-in viewer:
Allows viewing cam shots in manual mode and perform fast searching in slide show (pseudo-video) mode with predefined speed of cam shot change. The pseudo-video (slide show) mode resembles fast forward on traditional video cassette players \ recorders.
Thanks to available high speed cam shots viewing mode, an average human being can view the entire day records (all cam shots recorded within 24-hours time interval) in about 10 to 30 minutes!
VIDEOREG DUAL - version for two webcam or two video-devices