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Main » Files » Business » Educational Tools

Best Reader 6.0
13.01.2011, 22:05
Best Reader, the computer-based system for mastering speed reading skills. After ten days of studies with the Best Reader, you will be able to read several times faster than all your friends! Although the Best Reader program of training is intended to cover a 10 to 15 day period of time, it is recommended that you repeat the exercises from time to time in order to maintain the level of efficiency attained during studies with the Best Reader speed reading software. The program of exercises includes the performance of exercises with the computer trainer and the reading of additional literature. The time spent performing exercises on the computer and the time spent reading the additional literature must be divided fifty-fifty. The aggregate amount of time spent studying must take one to two hours. All computer exercises are divided into two groups: Exercises for development of the field of sight; and exercises for development of speed-reading skills. The balance of time between these two types of exercises must take into account the user's need to development both of these skills.

Category: Educational Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 98 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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