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Dimwit's Dictionary 1.0
14.01.2011, 17:54
Certainly, it is the least effective speakers and writers who use the most dimwitticisms. A person's ability to express himself well -- interestingly and compellingly -- is inversely proportional to the number of dimwitticisms he uses. Writing or speech that is free of dimwitticisms is more likely to be memorable than mediocre. A person who expresses himself with genuineness instead of in jargon, with feeling instead of in formulas is capable as few have been, as few are, and as few will be; this is a person to heed. The Dimwit's Dictionary will aid us in our quest for more purposeful speech and writing. The goal is to promote understanding and rouse people to action. The goal is to express ourselves as never before -- in writing that demands to be read aloud, in speech that calls to be captured in print. The Dimwit's Dictionary will annoy some people and amuse others. People who feel as though I am referring to them in some of the commentary in this book may be annoyed by what I write; those who feel as th

Category: Educational Tools | Added by: File-Post
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