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Main » Files » Business » Educational Tools

Space Flight 1
16.01.2011, 13:56
Space Flight is a musical note learning game. Its self paced learning system mixed with fun, make Space Flight an effective educatinal tool. Its simple to use. Dedicated to promoting education, it comes with a free level which never expires.

Studies have suggested that children who learn musical instruments tend to excell in other areas of their life as well. With this in mind, Space Flight was developed to start young students on their way to excellence by learning names of basic musical notes. Once note recognition is mastered, students find it easier to read sheet music and learn their instruments.

Space Flight is a self paced learning system. New questions are introduced only when the learner has successfully mastered current material. This allows for children to feel a sense of mastery and accomplishment. Repetition of the game will cement ideas into long term memory.

Children learn best when learning is fun. Built as an arcade style game, Space Flight turns the chore of learning musical notes into an adventure.

Jump right into the game without a steep learning curve. A simple interface with straight foward instructions make Space Flight easy to use. Children of all ages will find this game intuitive and simple to operate.
Feel free to download and use this educational game. This is to be the beginning of a series of programs to help excite the mind and spur the intellectual pursuit of students and children of all ages. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

Category: Educational Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 80 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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