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Main » Files » Business » Enhanced Calculators

EstiMaker PalmOS 1.1a
15.01.2011, 12:57
EstiMaker is designed to help electrical professionals with the estimating/bidding process, letting an estimator create a take-off estimate in, generally, at least a third of the usual time. Includes database of over 4600 electrical parts, with pricing and labor data for each part. Just select the parts required for a job, indicate the quantity of each part, enter amount for extras like special equipment and rentals, and EstiMaker will calculate all the factors and create a job estimate. Create unlimited number of jobs, keep them for future reference or delete them as desired. Includes Windows companion version that looks and works just like the handheld version. No need to learn two different programs. Learn the handheld version, and you know the Windows version! It shares the handheld version's data files, with 2-way synchronization via the HotSync conduit. Add jobs/make changes on the desktop, HotSync, and the handheld version reflects the changes. Add jobs/make changes on the handheld, HotSync, and the desktop version reflects the changes. Edit and add to the parts database as needed. Generates job reports in DOC format (that can be opened/manipulated/printed from any word processor) and exports job reports in CSV format (that can be opened/manipulated/printed from most spreadsheet and database programs). Beam/Print quick estimate reports in the field, directly from the handheld computer, if you have an IR-capable printer and PalmPrint or SCSPrint software installed in the handheld (free trial copy of SCSPrint included with EstiMaker). Program setup screen gives the user full control over all the percentages and multipliers used to create estimates, so you can "tinker" with the controls to customize the results and make them match or beat the results you get by your current estimating process. For users outside USA, currency multiplier lets you adjust output for local currency rate changes vs. default U.S. dollar.

Category: Enhanced Calculators | Added by: File-Post
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