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Main » Files » Business » Enhanced Calculators

Kettle Reboiler Design (KRD) 1.0
07.03.2011, 14:17
This software tool is made to demonstrate the thermal design calculations and analysis of Kettle type reboilers.The software is user friendly and can be used to make preliminary sizing calculations that will help to give a clear outlook of the initial design. Below is a list of the main features:
+ Ability to use to different units of measurement, SI units and English (US) units
+ Calculation of Duty, Area, Tube length.
+ Calculation of number of tubes
+ Calculation of Shell Diameter by iteration
+ Calculation of Weir height
+ Calculation of Nucleate pool boiling heat transfer coefficient using two different correlations
+ Calculation of tube side heat transfer coefficient using two different correlations
+ Calculation of Velocities on the tube and shell side
+ Calculation of Maximum allowable vapour velocity on the shell side
+ Calculation of the Maximum critical flux using three different correlations
+ Calculation of Shell side Heat Flux
+ Calculation of Number of Vapour nozzles
+ Calculation of Prandtl number on shell and tube sides and Reynolds number for the tube side
+ Calculation of Clean/Fouled Overall Heat transfer coefficients
+ Calculation of Tube side pressure drop
+ The ability to calculate unknown mass flow rate
+ Calculate the scale resistance (dirt factor)
+ An estimation database that has the ability to Estimate the Physical properties of more than 1450 components; the database has the ability to estimate Thermal Conductivity, Density, Heat Capacity and Viscosity. The database also included critical properties, boiling and melting points.
+ Fouling factors database
+ Overall Heat Transfer Coefficients database
+ Customised database functions to allow user to add/delete components.
+ Ability to import properties to Shell/Tube sides form Microsoft Excel
+ Export Results summary to Microsoft Excel
+ Save/Load results.
+ Generate/Print Results summary and export it to Ms Excel.

Category: Enhanced Calculators | Added by: File-Post
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