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Main » Files » Business » Inventory Systems

BarCodLabGen 1.30
13.01.2011, 21:54
Software with 4 functions :.Printing of labels that can have up to 3 barcodes, 10 text lines, 5 fixed text lines.These labels can be fully defined by the user. The labels are printed from datas on the database of the software. Generate a barcode and export it on an image file (WMF and TIFF format) or in the clipboard. Batch Export of barcodes on images files. The barcodes are generated from the datas on internal database of the software Checksum generator for the following barcodes types :EAN13, EAN8, UPC-C, EAN14 ,SSCC,ISBN. Generation of the following barcodes types: EAN13 , EAN8 , Code39, Code128 (A,B,C) , code_2_5,Code93,CodeMSI,PostNet,Codabar,UPC (A,E0,E1,S2,S5), EAN128 (A,B,C)

Category: Inventory Systems | Added by: File-Post
Views: 125 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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