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Main » Files » Business » Misc Applications

Bates Blaster Software 1.1
13.01.2011, 22:00
Bates stamping and numbering software for Adobe PDF files, designed by a paralegal, for paralegals. Bates Blaster software can apply traditional bates numbering (a static prefix and sequential page numbers) to a single PDF document or multiple PDF documents as a batch process. Bates Blaster also has a feature to apply sequential prefix numbers to multiple PDF documents. Court exhibit stamps are the best example of sequential prefix numbering. No other software on the market has this feature. Bates Blaster also has a convenient drag and drop feature that allows the user to bates stamp every file, instead of one at a time. Work that used to take hours, or even days now takes seconds. This program was designed to meet bates stamping requirements set forth by local, state, and federal courts. Primary customers include law firms, departments in the legal field, and any other business that requires bates numbering to electronic Adobe PDF documents.

Category: Misc Applications | Added by: File-Post
Views: 96 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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