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Formats Customizer 1.2
15.01.2011, 15:51
What is Formats Customizer?

Formats Customizer is a unique way to remove document types that are not used from application file dialogs for the commands: "Open", "Save", "Import", "Export".

Easy to use and powerful usability integrate seamlessly into several programs.

Support of popular applications from Microsoft, Adobe Systems, Corel.

Free 30-day Trial

Modern applications, specifically graphic editors, become much more complicated with each version released. They support more and more various types of documents many of which are not even used by a large number of people.

How many times per a day do you use an operation to save or open a document and commands to import or export data? Each time you waste time on a large array of choices of unnecessary document types. To find and choose the necessary format is not quick and simple anymore. But using Formats Customizer, you can hide all unnecessary types and speed up your workflow significantly.

Results of using Formats Customizer.

Remove document types that are useless for your needs leaving you with a cleaner, more streamlined selection choice. Now you choose only those file types, which you actually use.

Simple in use

By carefully picking out the types of file formats that you want to keep, you can quickly and easily see which file types you want to keep. When you use a compatible application, the specified file types are hidden and you are left with only the types that you want. Anytime you like, you can quickly turn the filtration list on and off to suit your exact needs.

The Current Version of Format Customizer supports:
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Illustrator
Microsoft Paint
Microsoft Office Word
Microsoft Office Excel
Microsoft Office Power Point

Category: Misc Applications | Added by: File-Post
Views: 82 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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