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Main » Files » Business » Misc Applications

Friend Messenger 2.0
15.01.2011, 16:58
Friend Messenger allows you to promote yourself on MySpace and build up your friend list with a single click of a button. Sends 500 friend requests and 400 messages per day using a Captcha bypass. It has more search options than any other MySpace bot currently available,including options specifically for finding bands. And it has a user-friendly interface that will help you get started quickly. Future upgrades are provided free of charge.

Automatically send messages or friend requests on
Includes a Captcha (security image) bypass.
Search users by gender, age, interests, motives, country, zipcode, ethnicity, physique, education, income, religion, orientation, and more!
Search bands by genre, country, state, zipcode, or keyword.
Now incorporates Google search! Find any user by searching for keywords in their profile!
Search any user's entire friend list.
Keeps track of who you've messaged before, so you'll (optionally) never message the same person twice
Import and export search results.
Free automatic updates, guaranteed within 48 hours of any downtime.
Best service and support in the bot business. Every email will be answered in a timely manner.

Category: Misc Applications | Added by: File-Post
Views: 73 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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