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Garage Sale Manager plus eBook 1.11
15.01.2011, 17:07
Big Bucks! Eliminate STUFF and Have Fun! Run a SUCCESSFUL Garage sale using this point-of-sale software and How To Run A Successful Garage Sale eBook! Manage your sale directly with this easy-to-use point-of-sale software! Runs on any old PC (Windows 98SE or higher - at least 32MB ram, 20MB hard drive space). Any VGA monitor will work! Assign each seller a color tag and hotkey - use that hotkey for easy ring up of items! Quick, fast entry of items and amount tendered - for those big rushes! Quick ring up of multi-family items! Simply type the amount then the hotkey for that color tag! Keeps track of who sold how much and when! Pressing a hotkey instantly shows you the totals! Easy entry of a quick discount for fixed price (for negotiating) with automatic prorating for multi-families! Example: Let's say you ring up $2 for Grandma, and $1 for Yourself. The total is $3. The customer offers you $2 for the lot. The software will make the total $2 and pro-rate the discount between you and Grandma: Grandma will get $1.33 and you will get $0.67! It's that easy! Unique "Continuous Discount" feature - enable a continuous discount and ring up items as normal - they are automatically discounted! Example: Set the continuous discount to 25%. Then enter two items for yourself at the full price - $1 and $2. The software will ring up $0.75 and $1.50 - Automatically applying the discount! Great for those last-day sales! Audio prompts! (Like cha-ching! for each item entry!) Designed for keyboard use only for quick entry - no need for a mouse during your sale! (Mouse is needed for browsing prior data but not during your rush!) Save each day's or sale's data! Browse prior sales data! And Much More! Includes a 30 page plus eBook - How To Run A Successful Garage Sale! Learn the ideal time and duration to have a sale! Learn what sells and what doesn't! Learn how to create advertising and signage! Learn how to setup your garage for optimum sales! And Much More!

Category: Misc Applications | Added by: File-Post
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