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Main » Files » Business » Misc Financial Tools

Snappy Invoice System 3.3.2
16.01.2011, 13:41
Once you've spent just a few minutes with the program, you can prepare and print invoices and sales receipts in literally seconds! Designed with ease of use as a primary feature, the friendly menu system will help you maintain Product and Customer Lists, quickly search for past documents, print useful reports, E-mail invoices to customers, and much more. A powerful, easy-to-use search wizard makes locating previous entries fast and easy. The built in Sales Journal feature will help you track how many sales where made during a certain period, monitor salesperson performance, and determine the total amount of sales tax collected for a given period. Sales tax is computed automatically, and you have the option to apply discounts and override data -- giving you complete control and flexibility when creating invoices and sales receipts. In addition to its intuitive design and friendly help system, your Snappy Invoice System installs with a concise, highly polished help system to ensure you can fully use all its functions right away.

Category: Misc Financial Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 129 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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