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Main » Files » Business » Misc Financial Tools

SOHO-123 3.0.6a
16.01.2011, 13:50
SOHO-123 (Small Office/Home Office) is a full-featured back-office, order entry, invoicing, customer management system perfect for the small and mid-size product and service businesses. It features ease of use coupled with all the functions necessary to run as successful enterprise. It is NOT an accounting program, but it does everything else. It is designed for the small business needing a solution to its back-office problems. SOHO-123 has over 25 reports, exports receipts to the major credit card software products, and is designed to work with Intuit's Quicken checkbook software. SOHO-123 does not require any accounting knowledge no does it require one be a rocket scientist to use it. While there are many back-office products on the market, none of them come close to the functionality and ease-of-use that is SOHO-123. With its easy order-entry system, to its sophisticated royalty/license-fee computation and reporting function, SOHO-123 is the answer to the question 'why isn't there an inexpensive, easy-to-

Category: Misc Financial Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 147 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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