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Main » Files » Business » MS Office Add-ins

Office Security OwnerGuard 10.1.1
16.01.2011, 04:03
Office OwnerGuard is the ultimate Security, Digital Rights Management (DRM), Copy Protection, Licensing and Distribution Management solution for Excel, Word, PowerPoint Documents ( xls, xlsx, doc, docx, ppt, pps, pptx )
This product is made specially for internal company documents security and publishers of high value information ( Trade Secrets, Research Papers, Reports or ...)

With Office OwnerGuard you can :

* Lock your secure Excel, Word, PowerPoint Documents ( xls, xlsx, doc, docx, ppt, pps, pptx ) to specific computer(s).
* Define High Security Expiration Dates or Working Times for your DRM protected Excel, Word, PowerPoint Documents.
* Use full features of Microsoft Office Excel, Word, PowerPoint applications for protected documents.
* Control and apply all required limitations for your users using a very small user side DRM manager component ( OwnerGuard License Manager ).
* Minimize your users DRM hassles by letting them access your DRM protected documents offline.
* Distribute and Sell your DRM protected documents easily while you've got full control over them.
* Cooperate in Creating, Editing or distributing Office documents while OwnerGuard protects ownership rights for owner(s).
* Gain full control over your sensitive documents usage rights.

Category: MS Office Add-ins | Added by: File-Post
Views: 83 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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