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Main » Files » Business » MS Office Add-ins

Perfect PDF 6 Commentator 6.x
16.01.2011, 06:40
If you need to annotate PDF documents, you need Perfect PDF 6 Commentator. It offers a wide range of annotation tools for your comments: text markup, replace and insert tools, sticky notes, textboxes and callouts, pencil ("Red Pen") and eraser tools, stamp and watermark galleries, different shapes (lines, rectangles, circles, polygons, arrows and clouds) and media annotations (audio and video). You can create new annotations or modify existing comments, including their design.

Additionally, you can use Perfect PDF 6 Commentator to design PDF forms, create your own forms or modify existing PDF forms (text edit fields, buttons, checkboxes and radio buttons, combo boxes and list boxes). Digital signing is performed in step-by-step dialogs.

Functionality Overview
- Page annotations and bookmarks (TOC): comments, stamps, text markup, "red pencil", attachments and media annotations.
- Interactive forms: create new and modify existing PDF forms - arrange and adjust fields and controls, using design mode.
- Display, print and search through PDF files. Fill, print and save interactive PDF forms. Sign, certify and timestamp PDF files with digital signatures.
- Create blank documents, documents from text or RTF, image files or scanned images. Export from plain text from PDF files or document pages as image files.
- Manage document properties, protect documents, define document permissions, manage document resources (fonts, images, layers, embedded files, etc.)
- Manage document pages: change order, insert or remove pages, change page size, orientation, label, etc.
- Decorate document pages with backgrounds, watermarks, headers and footers using template galleries. Import new templates from PDF files.
- View PDF files directly in Internet Explorer or Mozilla browsers (like Firefox).

Category: MS Office Add-ins | Added by: File-Post
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