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SupportCalls with Outlook 3.2
16.01.2011, 15:16
An ITIL guided helpdesk with integrated asset tracking, SupportCalls system is a full featured and automated issue tracking system available right in your Outlook. Using Microsoft Exchange (can be hosted one too) as repository for storing support cases, it provides support staffs with all the necessary tools to log, collaborate, analyze and assist in the resolution of helpdesk issues. Monitor mailboxes and public folders and automatically process incoming emails to support cases, assign technicians on the fly and enforce service level agreements (SLA). With support for automated messaging and notifications using varied communication channels such as emails, phone calls or SMS, it offers your helpdesk to cut the overhead of manual tasks significantly while making it easier for team to work flexibly. Restrict access to administrative tools, customize email templates, frame predefined answers and reply to emails with a click.

SupportCalls is also available via web access - perfect for remote support staffs. Furthermore, end-users can submit new support requests via a web form, check status, or search through the knowledge base, all via a web browser for first level support. With the inbuilt statistics, support cases data can be displayed in grids, charts and graphs, enabling helpdesk managers to evaluate the performance of the helpdesk and in-turn ensures timely decision making for improved service.

To sum up, SupportCalls improves the efficiency of your helpdesk to enable faster response time and higher productivity for your organization at lower operating costs. After all, the bottom line for your helpdesk team is for your end-users to receive better and timely service.

Category: MS Office Add-ins | Added by: File-Post
Views: 102 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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