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Main » Files » Business » Personal Info Managers

Biromsoft To Do List 2.6
13.01.2011, 22:19
Biromsoft To Do List 2.6 New Version! Do you know anyone who succeeded in this world without getting organized? Not too many people right? We have a solution for you. Biromsoft To Do List is an effective task manager which helps you organize your personal life and work. In a few clicks of your mouse you can create a new task with a reminder and long description. It is extremely easy to use and has a friendly skinnable interface. All tasks are separated by categories to effectively track all your tasks. Tasks can be assigned priority and an audible reminder. A list of your tasks can be printed on paper in an easy to use form. The main features of the program are: * To Do List is a skinnable program, the whole look can be changed in a few clicks of your mouse. * Each Task can have its own due date, reminder (with sound alarm), priority, category and long description. * Each task can be marked as complete. * To Do List can be made to be transparent (only in Win2000/WinXP). * Whole task list can be printed in a very useful style, for example: each category can be printed on separated pages or only uncompleted tasks could be printed etc. * Custom categories can be created in seconds.

Category: Personal Info Managers | Added by: File-Post
Views: 112 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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