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Main » Files » Business » Project Management

actiTIME - Free Web Based Timesheet 1.2
13.01.2011, 18:15
If you need a clear and simple way to register time expenses and then bill your customers for them, actiTIME is a tool of choice. actiTIME is a web based, standalone, multi-platform time collection software that is streamlined for billing and management purposes.

actiTIME allows time tracking for customer and project related tasks. After being collected the data then can be exported for invoice generation. It is very clear and easy to use.

actiTIME supports both billable and non-billable task statuses. It allows to use arbitrary number of custom billing types. Tasks are united into projects; projects are linked to customers. Pulled together these features facilitate time collection for variety of business purposes.

Robust and widely spread programming language Java, open data format and several supported database platforms simplify integration of actiTIME with your existing software.

actiTIME is a freeware so you can get a free delivery and product information without being charged.

actiTIME directly integrates with QuickBooks? - one of the leading accounting software. For integration with other software actiTIME provides built-in reporting and data exporting functions, which together with open data format make integration a simple and convenient procedure.

actiTIME is a product of open mind. It means that all your opinions on this product and your requests are welcome and highly appreciated. Most of the requested features will be included into the next product releases.

This is a unique chance to get the product that looks and works the way you need. Apply today for a FREE copy!

Category: Project Management | Added by: File-Post
Views: 125 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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