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Main » Files » Business » Project Management

AllNetic Working Time Tracker
13.01.2011, 20:06
Tracks how much time you spend on different projects and tasks. Thanks to precise time tracking and accounting you can quickly and precisely calculate time spent on different tasks. You can bill your clients on time based on real reports. You can plan your working day better and be more effective in managing your time as you see, where your time is gone. The application doesn't occupy space on your desktop and is controlled from System Tray (although you can manage tasks and see reports in large window). Automatic control over tracking in cases when the user leaves his work place. Localization: English, Czech, Danish, Dutch (Nederlands), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish.

Category: Project Management | Added by: File-Post
Views: 120 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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