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Main » Files » Business » Project Management

Biz Timesheet Manager 3.0.2492
13.01.2011, 22:22
Track and invoice the time and expenses spent by your employees on your projects, jobs, contracts, etc. Easy to use and affordable. All your employees will learn to use this program within a couple of minutes only.

No need for your employees to fill out time sheets by hand. Everything is now done automatically. You create your projects (jobs, service requests, internal tasks, administration, or any other sort of work) and your employees fill out their own time sheets directly on-screen - that's all there is to it!

A GENUINELY easy-to-use interface for all your employees. It will only take your employees one or two minutes each day to complete a normal time sheet (about 4 entries), so they won't lose any time in comparison to recording it on paper the traditional way.

You will have real-time access to labor time and costs for your projects. In just a few clicks you'll know just where you are. How long has been spent on a project? Who has worked on it? When? What do labor costs add up to so far? etc.

You can create your own project categories. For instance, you can create a special category for "S - Service requests" projects, one for "AD - Administration", one for "P - Long-term projects", another for "RD - Research and Development ", and so on. One advantage of such categories is that employees can easily find the project they are looking for when filling out their time sheet. And it means it is easier for you to check data and reports.

You can set up a series of different activity codes for each project category. For each project category you can create up to 30 different activity codes. Your employees select the activity code when creating their time sheet. For example, for the "Administration" project category, the activities codes could be: "Filing", "Invoicing", "Payroll", "Meeting". For the "Service requests" project category the codes could be for: "Travel", "Telephone support", "On-site support ", and so on.

Category: Project Management | Added by: File-Post
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