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ChoiceTree Writer PocketPC 1.0
14.01.2011, 03:52
The ChoiceTree Concept... ChoiceTree consists of two components: the Windows desktop "ChoiceTree Writer" and it''s companion, the low-cost "ChoiceTree Reader" for Palm OS and PocketPC handheld computers. (One Reader license comes with purchase of the Writer. Other Reader licenses available separately.) Using the "Writer", you create decision trees on various subjects of interest to you, then install the trees onto your handheld computer (running the "Reader") for your own use, or distribute or sell them to others who have use for them on their own Reader-equipped handheld. Everybody has seen decision trees, in which you make a series of choices before arriving at a final set of instructions on what to do in the situation your decisions have described. A sample matrix: YES or NO Is your waste exempt from authority of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act? You answer NO. Is this a discarded or expired chemical product? You answer YES Has the product been used? You answer YES Does the product have a single active ingredient? You answer YES Is the waste listed in the P or U lists in 40 CFR 261.33? You answer YES You have a hazardous waste. Here is what you should do... Using a Windows desktop computer, ChoiceTree Writer allows a user to create and edit Decision Trees/Work Instructions/Flow Charts, also known as a Matrix. The decision trees created on the desktop are converted to handheld computer database files that can be given or sold to users with handheld computers running the low-priced ChoiceTree Reader. The Reader can display the ChoiceTree data, but cannot modify the data.

Category: Project Management | Added by: File-Post
Views: 106 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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