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Main » Files » Business » Project Management

DeltaProd 2.21.0
14.01.2011, 17:30
DeltaProd is a project management tool ...
... among many others.

In fact, if you look at all of the project management tools, you realise that they do not all cover the same features.
So, without going into the definition of project management, you must ask yourself what you need to follow up your project, or more precisely what a project management tool should allow you to follow.
The answer to this question depends of course on the nature of the project.
We will concentrate here on the issue of IT projects, which is the main purpose of DeltaProd, but rules described may be applied to most of project management cases.

We can try to list the activities to be followed for an IT project:
- Monitoring incoming requests: initial requests, requests for changes, requests for assistance, ...
- Monitoring the work of the team (tracking workload)
- Monitoring assignments (including holidays)
- Planning of the work of the team (planning of the remaining workload to produce)
- Follow-up pending actions
- Monitoring incoming products
- Monitoring issues
- Monitoring corrections
- Monitoring application frame
- Monitoring material frame
- Monitoring of versions
- Configuration Management
- Monitoring milestones
- Monitoring deliverables
- Monitoring deliveries
- Monitoring exchanges
- Monitoring workshops
- Monitoring follow-up meetings
- Monitoring committees
- Indicators calculation
- Risk Management
- Financial monitoring (costs, billing, ...)
All these elements must be returned in the form of synthetic dashboards.
There are tools to manage almost all of these elements, but none manages all. The idea of DeltaProd is to bring together within a single tool most elements of monitoring.

Category: Project Management | Added by: File-Post
Views: 100 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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