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FlowBreeze Flowchart Software 1.0.6
15.01.2011, 14:58
FlowBreeze Flowcharting Software is a 100% MS Office integrated tool for making flow charts the fast, easy, and affordable way. FlowBreeze Flowchart Software lets you Just Type the Text. FlowBreeze Flow Chart Software converts the text into flowchart shapes, adds flow lines, and formats the drawing automatically. It lets you generate flowcharts in Excel, then easily copy and paste them into Word, PowerPoint, and other Microsoft applications as native Microsoft Drawing objects. With over 400 million Microsoft Office users worldwide, FlowBreeze is the perfect process flow mapping tool for collaboration with co-workers, customers, and vendors. FlowBreeze's integration with Excel also makes it a wonderful analysis tool for true Process Mapping, letting you easily map cost and quality attributes to process steps on the same worksheet - the same functionality found in process mapping tools 5-10X the price of FlowBreeze. Whether you're a small company documenting your processes on the way to E-Myth mastery or a large company looking for an effective flowcharting solution, FlowBreeze can save you time and money. Unlike the $200-$300 drawing software packages, FlowBreeze is not designed to draw electrical schematics, plumbing diagrams, or other specialized drawings. Instead, FlowBreeze is designed to do one thing, and do it well: Draw Flow Charts. FlowBreeze users get a 2-3X time savings with the unique text-to-flowchart capability. Additionally, FlowBreeze has other time savings features like the ability to create a flowchart symbol key in one click, automatic flow chart shape sizing, and automatic flowchart connector routing. Lastly, a popular features of FlowBreeze Flowchart Software is the ability to create process flowcharts on the fly from existing work instructions, procedures, or other process documentation written in Word (or some other word processor) by simply copying all the existing text and pasting it into the FlowBreeze interactive flowcharting environment.

Category: Project Management | Added by: File-Post
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