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Main » Files » Business » Project Management

Method123 Enterprise 5.0
16.01.2011, 00:57
Online Web Based Project Management Software that can also be downloaded to a PC. You can download a project management methodology complete with templates, examples and case studies. The Method123 Enterprise Edition is an entire methodology for managing projects. It steps you through every phase, activity and task needed to complete a project from start to finish and can be used by an unlimited number of project management teams.

Method123 Enterprise provides an entire Project Management Methodology at your fingertips. For every activity in the Project Life Cycle, it describes what needs to be done, why, when, by whom and how. Hundreds of charts, tables and real-life examples help you to gain a complete understanding of the project management discipline. By using this edition, you will benefit from:

Tool Kit - Method123 Enterprise gives you the same features as the Professional edition, so that you can create customized methodologies for your projects. And like the Professional edition, you can install it on a central server so that you can collaborate with your methodology team.

Open License - The first key difference between the Professional and Enterprise edition is that Method123 Enterprise edition gives you an "Open Organization-Wide License" to use the methodologies. Whereas for the Professional edition, you need a license for every person accessing the content.

Publish Online - The second key difference is that the Enterprise edition gives you the ability to load your methodologies onto your intranet. Within Method123 Enterprise, you can click "Export to Web" to save your entire methodology as a set of interlinked HTML files that you can immediately load onto your Intranet for release to your project teams. It's quick and easy to publish methodologies using the Enterprise edition.

Supports Large Teams - Perfect if you have a large number of project teams and you want them to access the Customized Methodologies you've created

Category: Project Management | Added by: File-Post
Views: 91 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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