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Main » Files » Business » Project Management

MindMaster 1.0
16.01.2011, 01:19
MindMaster is a powerful visual tool for planning, collaboration and business process management. MindMaster helps business professionals and teams plan, organize and manage information-based activities. Decisions are made much faster, meeting times are decreased and project planning is greatly improved. With its graphical, easy-to-use map interface, MindMaster actually improves the way people work. MindMaster seamlessly integrates with XML based technology to instantly create presentations, documents, websites and much more.

MindMaster is used to make maps for such activities as planning, presentations, meeting notes, training, web portal design, project management, facilitation of brainstorming sessions, emergency incident management, knowledge transfer, study guides, organization charts, and resumes. The program is very intuitive, so it is easy to learn without any formal training. Many people find MindMaster fun to use as it allows you add your own clip art, colors, and other graphics to easily customize maps. The program includes the capability to export maps to Powerpoint, Word, and Outlook so that the maps may be e-mailed and easily viewed by others without the need to buy the program.

Category: Project Management | Added by: File-Post
Views: 83 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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