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Main » Files » Business » Project Management

Multi Project Planner 3.0
16.01.2011, 02:42
Multi-Project-Planner addresses the problem of planning and scheduling multiple concurrent projects competing for scarce resources.
The core of Multi-Project-Planner is a global plan containing two schedules:
1. The activity schedule, representing the schedules for all work teams participating in the activities and upon which the activities are booked according to the resource requirements of the activities and the competences offered by the work teams. You may say that the activity schedule is a model of your production capacity upon which the gantt charts of the projects are superimposed.
2. The work hour schedule, representing the schedules for all resources, who staff the work teams.
Benefits of this layout:
This layout directly addresses the problem of resource conflicts as they are immediately visible.
Further the layout allows an emphasis on flow of throughput over the capacity, thereby preventing sudden build up of resource demands.
Template projects lets you build the gantt chart of a project in the familiar single project management way and later drag the project onto schedule letting Multi-Project-Planner handle the booking.
Multi-Project-Planner accepts resource conflicts. They are represented by a feature called hot potatoes. The effect is that Multi-Project-Planner remembers the problems, freeing you from having to deal with everything simultaneously.
Together with a lot features, the layout of Multi-Project-Planner greatly eases the daily handling of multiple projects as well as minimizing the lead-time for the projects and finally minimizes the strains on the brains of the planner.
Look and feel of the familiar planning board.

Category: Project Management | Added by: File-Post
Views: 79 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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