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Main » Files » Business » Project Management

Projetex Project Management Workstation 2005
16.01.2011, 08:56
Projetex 2005 is Project Management Software for Expert Teams. It tremendously simplifies task of corporate and freelance workflow management, data and files sharing within company and provides multiple benefits for each team member. System Administrator, General Management, Sales Representatives, Project Managers, Human Resources Managers, Corporate Experts, and Accountants will be able to quickly learn Projetex 2005 and upgrade their work processes. Projetex will also suit smaller work environments where single team members may have two more of these roles combined.

Benefits for Project Managers:
Tree-like view of project showing corporate jobs and freelance jobs, which correspond to each client job
Clear distinction between corporate jobs (jobs done within company) and freelance jobs (jobs done by individual external experts or vendors).
Ability to rate quality of each expert job and take in consideration average quality of jobs when selecting them.
Easy-to-use search of freelancers by prices.
Easy-to-use search of freelancers by completed jobs.
Every project has a Freelance Team, which allows to shortlist eligible experts before making final choices.
Detailed filters with various time and status spans: Not Completed, Not Completed - Overdue, Not Completed - Due Today, Not Completed - Due in the next 5 days, Not Completed - Due in the next 10 days, Not Completed - Due in the next 20 days, Not Completed - Due in the next 30 days, Not Completed - Deadline is in the future.
Color highlights for current projects and jobs: Deadline is in the future, deadline is today, deadline is in the past.
Easy issuing and tracking of Job Assignments for Corporate Experts.
Easy issuing and tracking of Purchase Orders for Freelance Experts.
Custom project fields.

Benefits for Corporate Experts:

Can keep the records of all jobs done.
Easily see how much time is left for particular job.
Clearly see which jobs are done, due today and overdue.

Category: Project Management | Added by: File-Post
Views: 103 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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