TimeLive - Web based collaboration tool for project management, bug tracking, employee timesheet, employee attendance, issues and expenses. Free downloadable and hosted (ASP) version.
- Web based
- Fully integrated project management and collaboration tool.
- Personalized overall summary view of projects for Project Manager and Team Lead.
- Configurable timesheet and expense management
- Four Timesheet Approval Paths (None,Administrator,Project,TeamLead)
- Task management
- Bug tracking
- EMail notification of bug addition and update.
- Reopen bug tracking and monitoring.
- Quality control reports summarizing bugs by Project / Milestone / Assignee / Status
- Issue Tracking
- Employee Attendance
- Free downloadable version
- Free hosted (ASP) version (unlimited storage)
- Email notifications to keep you upto date
- Both downloadable and hosted version are free for 5 users.
- Unlimited disk space for all hosted account plans