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Main » Files » Business » Stock and Portfolio Tools

TrendCatch FX 5.0
10.03.2011, 08:10
TrendProphecy FX monitors the most active parts in the market by monitoring the International Currency market 24 Hours a day, with prices from a variety of sources in the Interbank market and based upon our proprietary research the Users have information about the current Trend and are able to follow the development live on the Price - Display and Graph.
The user must wait until TrendProphecy FX has confirmed the New TREND. When the trading signal is confirmed a sound alert is played and thecurrenc Cross (Pair) blinks for about a minute.
The TrendProphecy FX's trading method developed especially for the professional Currency or Arbitrage Day trader differs from other systems, in that it computes a confirmed entry signal, using our proprietary algorithms - and then eventually during the Trend a warning (Alert) is shown if/when the Trend becomes unstable, which is not the same as a change of the Trend.
During the Trend which has been called by TrendProphecy FX we constantly monitor if the Trend stays Stable or not, or if the Trend Changes. That's a huge difference from other systems claiming that they in advance can tell you the next move already when you enter a trade. Without being in possession of the magic crystal ball that is not possible. The fundamental rule for the trader is to take profit if possible while the Trend is Stable or at least when the Trend Unstable sign shows. It's up to the trader to decide an exit strategy as TrendProphecy FX is not an automated system giving you both an entry and an exit point during the same position, as that simply is not possible to calculate in advance, but have to be constantly monitored and computed in real time while the market prices fluctuate.
TrendProphecy FX is a system that requires investors to eliminate any preconceived biases or emotions and accept Trend Change Information that have shown, using TrendProphecy FX greater profit earning potential through identified trends.

Category: Stock and Portfolio Tools | Added by: File-Post
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