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Main » Files » Business » Time and Clock Tools

Pentacle Silver In-out Board 5.0
16.01.2011, 06:38
User Interface Sort by Name or Status - click Name or S Change the user status - click the user name. Add future event, modify it and delete it. * Group users in different groups. Show the user status - point mouse on the status icon. Show the user phone number - point mouse on the user name. Directly email to user - click @. Show you when the user change his/her status. Instant news. Clear calendar. * Future Event: You can set that you will be "DayOff" on a specified future date and time. The event you set show on the calendar of homepage in dark color. When the system time pass it, the status, "DayOff", you set will automatically update on the IN/OUT board and the event on the calendar show as gray color. Administrative Interface Site Setting Customize site skin, 2 skins included. Customize your company name. Change your administrator password. User Manager Create new user. Edit user information or Delete users. News Add news. Edit news title, content, even the date on which the news will disappear. Groups Setup Add group, change group name. Sick Leave Tracking Key in the user's max days allotted to specified year. Key in half day or full day sick leave to track the person's whole year sick leaves. Vacation Tracking Key in the user's max days allotted to specified year and carried from last year. Key in half day or full day vacation request to track it. Auto-calculate the number of days user takes vacation. Show you how many person takes vacation in one week

Category: Time and Clock Tools | Added by: File-Post
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