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Main » Files » Business » Word Processing

Business Letter Professional 2006 5.4
13.01.2011, 23:05
Business Letter Professional includes more than 1000 typical business letter templates. With this software, you need not to hire a business letter expert to write for you, - you can write impressive and effective letters yourself with strengthened skills, less time and no extra money cost. The embedded text editor in this program allows you to edit, copy, paste, search, preview and save your letters. It also enables you to set an external e-mail program to send your finished letters directly.Features: Accounting Finance: raise capital, apply for grants, improve accounting methods, sell or buy shares, and improve your relationship with your banker. Complain Apology: complain about goods and bad service, eliminate misunderstandings, stop illegal use of properties, and explain mistakes on customer service. Cooperate Legal: protect your Intellectual Property, protect company secrets, better negotiate your office lease, and use By-laws, shareholders Agreement Articles of Incorporation to setup your business.Marketing Sales: increase your sales with better communication, improve response time to customer inquiries, plan a marketing campaign, send a press release, and sign distribution/partnership deals.Personnel Employees: hire/fire employees, contractors and consultants, write detailed company policies and procedures, prepare professional job descriptions, conduct personnel evaluations, manage your workforce, and sign confidentiality agreements. Proposal Request: request and sign agreements reselling products, and expand your market reach with co-branding opportunities and affiliate marketing.Thanks Greetings: congratulate success of cooperation, express satisfaction with certain products or service, notice new customer account opening and acceptance of suggestion or affiliation, and give greeting on a special day.

Category: Word Processing | Added by: File-Post
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