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Main » Files » Business » Workgroup Management Tools

HRmgr 2.6
15.01.2011, 18:17
HRmgr is a human resources management tool. It is designed to be simple to use yet powerful enough to get the job done. The data that can be stored in the database covers a large range of useful employee information. Along with their name and address you can also list such information as SSN, NI, SIN, date of birth, supervisor, job title, and many more crucial pieces of information. HRmgr also tracks information regarding Attendance, Achievements, Benefits, Reviews, Wages, INS and Department of Labor information, and Emergency Contacts. You can easily see how things can be setup by viewing the sample database that is supplied. The sample makes learning to use the program much faster. Besides listing information you can print reports for easy reference and to save hard copies in your files. That address information can be used to print out labels. Due to the large amount of personal and private information that will be stored this program was equipped with password protection. HRmgr also provides backup, restore, import, export, and database utilities. This program should work well for the human resources information storage and organization needs of any type of small to medium business. Unregistered version is limited to five employee records.

Category: Workgroup Management Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 129 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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