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Main » Files » Business » Workgroup Management Tools

Scotland Yard 9.0
16.01.2011, 11:48
What do you do when you need someone in your office but they're not at their desk, not answering their phone, or simply can't be found? You spend 10 minutes looking for them, then leave a voice mail or email and hope you'll hear from them "when" they return.

SCOTLAND YARD is an electronic sign in out board that helps track the location of employees. Each person uses a sign-in out screen to enter his or her status, whether in or out, at meetings or lunch, on a business trip, sick or vacation. Need to find someone? Just launch the Employee Status Board to get the status of individuals, departments, or all employees. Receptionists can keep track of and be sure messages get to all employees.

SCOTLAND YARD is suitable for any size office and will let you quickly find the people you need. A clear interface and solid help ensure this sign-in/out board will be used.

Category: Workgroup Management Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 174 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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