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Main » Files » Email Tools » Misc Mail Tools

ProductiveMail 1.0.2
18.01.2011, 13:07
ProductiveMail lets you know in real time when your emails are received and read. Its main benefits are: - Make sure that your outgoing emails were received and not blocked as spam. - Real time notifications when an email you sent is read for the first time. - Reminders to follow-up emails you are waiting for an answer or emails that appear lost. - It informs you at all times the status of your messages: the date and time they were sent, the date and time they were read and the time elapsed between both events. - You can configure the notifications and warnings that ProductiveMail will use to keep you informed about all events. - You can change the text that will appear in the message footer. - You can hide the message footer to make the read receipt completely invisible. - Your messages are never stored or routed through our server so your privacy is guaranteed. Did your message get thru? Don't wonder. Be sure!

Category: Misc Mail Tools | Added by: File-Post
Views: 133 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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