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Main » Files » Games » Arcade Style Games

Brick Buster 1.0
19.01.2011, 10:44
Brick Buster turns this genera of games into a fast-paced, action-packed, arcade style game against the clock. Control the ball and bust all the bricks as fast as you can. Play over 80 levels unique particles and control system were you build up power maneuverability and busting power. Try not to lose your ball ,easier said than done. Because if you do lose your ball you will also lose half of your power, and maneuverability

Brick Buster is a game of speed. You have one goal and that is to destroy all the bricks as fast as you can. If you do it fast enough then you get to make it on the Top 10 list. While Brick Buster might seem fairly simple at first glance, there is still quite an amount of skill involved. You must master the fine balancing act of knowing when to bounce your ball around to destroy bricks, or going back down to the paddles to get an extra power boost. Plus you have to be sure and not leave too many bricks up high, or down low. You need to find that right balance for each level if you want to master it.

If you want an even bigger challenge then take your shot at the Brick Buster Convoy. In this game mode you have to play every level, and you have limited restarts. So in the Convoy every time counts, so make every level count. With Brick Buster anything goes. If you don't like the way a level is going just restart it (ctrl-R), or you can just move on to another level. If you just can't figure out how to get those fast times then you can always look at the replay by clicking on any time in the options screen.

As a bonus we give you Checkers, Domino, and a new Colors game

Category: Arcade Style Games | Added by: Ifile
Views: 81 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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