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Main » Files » Games » Puzzles

Gaia 3D Puzzle 1.00
22.01.2011, 01:02
This 3D jigsaw puzzle game allows you to play jigsaw puzzles on your computer by selecting your favorite images and the number of pieces. The 3D view creates a totally immersive playing experience like a real puzzle game.

Gaia 3D Puzzle guaranties you unlimited hours of fun! Because you can play with almost any images you find on the Internet, that means that you can play with thousands of images. Try to imagine the number of hours of fun this game brings you: Unlimited!

Unlike other computer puzzle games, Gaia 3D Puzzle is in 3D. That means that you can see your puzzle as a real jigsaw puzzle and the pieces are as real as true jigsaw pieces. The pieces are not pre-cut image shapes. They are generated from advanced mathematic procedures to give you the exact look and feel of true jigsaw pieces. You can even see and feel the cardboard thickness.

With this puzzle game, you are able to play puzzles from 9 to 2000 pieces. Even your children will be able to play and enjoy the same puzzle you play, but with less pieces.

Another feature you will not find on classic jigsaw puzzle is the possibility to choose the shape of your pieces. You can choose among 4 different pieces shapes. That increases or decreases the difficulty level. You can also choose the degree of distortion in the pieces. That means the pieces can all look the same, which is harder to play, or all look really different, which is easier to play.

Category: Puzzles | Added by: File-Post
Views: 62 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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