When a picture or video is loaded into Matt's Puzzle, it is split into blocks; which are randomly arranged. The game is won when these blocks are arranged back in the correct order to make up the original image.
Matt's Puzzle has two type of game play: Move Blocks or Swap Blocks. You can change the type of game by selecting 'Setup?' from the Options menu. Within the options window, you can also change the grid size. The default grid size is 4x4.
Swap Blocks
The easiest and less challenging of the two game modes within Matt's Puzzle is 'Swap Blocks'. To play in this mode, select an initial block by clicking it with the left mouse button and the piece will be highlighted yellow; next, select a second block and it will be swapped with the first block that was selected.
Move Blocks
Inspired by the classic 15-Game puzzle (Samuel Loyd, 1841 - 1911); the game mode allows only one block can be moved at a time into the empty space. Select a piece either above, below, left or to the right of the empty block in order to occupy its space.