Paraben's 5 in-a-line is a simple yet highly addictive game. The object of the game is to line up five or more marbles in a line (horizontally, vertically or diagonally). Every time you line up five or more marbles, that line disappears. Watch out though, because every move you make causes three new marbles to appear. The more marbles you get in a line, the more points you score. Every game needs a wild card. We threw in two. The vortex is wild and will act as any color you need. The dynamite bar is also wild and when used in a line will eliminate all balls of that color from the field. The more points you score, the more balls are dropped. Great-looking graphics sound effects add a nice touch. You can keep track of high scores post them to the web. The game even remembers where you left off if you close the program before the game is over.