Pic-a-pix (also known as Paint by Numbers, Paint by Pairs, Illust-Logic, Nonograms, Griddlers) are language-independent logic puzzles. The idea is to solve encrypted picture in accordance with the numbers. With Pic-a-Pix Puzzle World you can play pre-made bw and colored picture puzzles. The total amount of original puzzles for the program is more than 1000. You can download full collection from program's home page.
In game mode the program can check your solution for mistakes, lets you use undo and the redo functions, can gives you a hint. You can switch to assumption mode to be able easy to reject invalid part of the solution. Other fine features are: automatic and manual ticking of solved groups, scale adjustment, hot keys, saving of partially solved puzzle, puzzle view style setup.
Also you can create your own pic-a-pix puzzles using built-in Puzzle Editor. If you have a very complicated puzzle, the program can help you solve it in autosolving mode or in step-by-step solving mode.
Enjoy picture puzzles with Pic-a-Pix Puzzle World!