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Main » Files » Information Management » Personal Information Managers

CubeMiniOrganizer 1.1
22.01.2011, 12:21
CubeMiniOrganizer is an advanced automated organizing solution. Main goal of this solution is to provide you with heuristic mechanism giving you the possibility to be automatically advised about tasks you could do, depend on the type and current priority of the task. Automated means, that application periodically proposes to you the most priority-driven task for this moment. Priority of the task is calculated automatically and depends on the task type and starting data entered by you for this task. Often, every one of us thinks that we can't always do everything we want to do, because of the luck of time. But now, with CubeMiniOrganizer, we can. Now, when your activities become automated.

Category: Personal Information Managers | Added by: File-Post
Views: 100 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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