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Main » Files » Multimedia and Graphics » Animated GIF Editors

DSpeech 1.2
23.01.2011, 22:03
DSpeech is a stand-alone program of Text To Speech, specifically designed to provide quickly and directly the functions of better practical usefulness, that are requested to this kind of programs. In the meantime the invasivity and the spent of resources are minimal. (DSpeech does not install itself, is very light, it starts in a second and doesn't write anything on the register). The capital features of DSpeech are:

1. It allows to save the output as a Wav or Mp3 file.
2. It allows to select quickly different voices and to combine them between
themselves, in order to create dialogues between some voices.
3. It allows to configure the voices in an independent way.
4. Thanks to apposite TAG, it allows to change dinamically the features of
the voices during the reproduction (speed, volume and frequency), to insert
pauses, to emphasize some words or to spell.
5. It allows to capture and reproduce the content of the ClipBoard.
6. It's compatible with all modern vocal engines SAPI 5 compliant.

Windows NT4/2000 requires MS-SAPI, you can download them from here:
Windows XP is already SAPI5 compliant.

DSpeech uses the vocal engines installed on system, by default Windows XP has only Microsoft SAM.

However, the better vocal engines come from Acapela, RealSpeak, Loquendo and VoiceWare.

Category: Animated GIF Editors | Added by: File-Post
Views: 92 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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