You simply draw a rough sketch of what you want to find and imgSeek displays for you a thumbnail view of the best matches.
Query images similar to one in your collection by double-clicking on it's thumbnail.
Group your photos by similarity for easy browsing. You may also have them clustered automatically by color, date (group events automatically using an adaptive clustering algorithm for time differences), filename or image features.
Edit metadata (description, camera, lens, etc) for every image, and use them on the HTML albums generated or for searching photos. You can also use custom metadata fields.
EXIF and IPTC data found on JPEG/TIFF files are automatically imported. (Read-only support)
Transform images or batches automatically: Place text captions, change brightness, contrast, blur, etc.
Generate HTML albums for the entire collection, a given directory or similarity group
Advanced keyword searching for metadata.
Find all duplicate images on your collection with the parameters you specify. (dimensions, filesize, filename, similarity, average luminance)
Organize and browse pictures in groups with an easy drag drop interface.
Export/Import metadata to/from CSV files and export a batch or your collection to XML files, which can be later parsed by some other tool to generate whatever you want.
Rename a file or batch of files automatically: Replace strings, convert to upper/lowercase, append a string, create numbered series, etc.
Add images to the database from a directory recursively.
User friendly interface that remembers typed queries and drawn sketches for later usage.
Slideshow for a given directory, whole collection or for a chosen group of similar images. You can also delete and organize images in groups with hotkeys.