SuperIcon is a professional and powerful icon conversion and management tool, With SuperIcon, you can:
Manage icon libraries: you can create as many icon libraries as you wish, each libraries contain collector or author's information, icon library can be locked; you can clean up (delete duplicate icons) icon libraries very fast. One or more icon libraries can be stored into one compressed file, easy to download or publish.
Extract icons: There're 5 ways to extract or create icons using SuperIcon:
1) Extract icons from EXE, DLL, OCX, CPL, ICL, ICO, ANI, CUR format files
2) Create icons from BMP, DIB, BW, EMF, GIF, JPG, JBG, PCD, PCT, PCX, PIC, PIX, PBM, PGM, PPM, PNG, PSD, RAS, RLA, RLE, SGI, RGB, TGA, TIF, WMF, APM, XBM, XPM format files
3) Extract icons from web pages, only click mouse, all images in web page will be converted to icons
4) Create icons from screen capture, such as full screen, windows, object, area
5) Extract icons from directories or whole harddisk
Export icons:
1) Export icons to another icon libraries or a new icon library
2) Save icon library to ICL format file
3) Export icons to ICO, BMP, JPG, PCX, PIC, PIX, PBM, PNG, RAS, RLA, RLE, SGI, TGA, TIF, XBM and XPM format files
Icon share: You can easy to download icon libraries from Internet or publish icon libraries to Internet, with SuperIcon, you can:
1) Get icon libraries list from Index Servers, download icon libraries from list.
2) Store one ore more icon libraries into one compressed file, send it to friends or