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Main » Files » Multimedia and Graphics » Graphics Viewers

HoneyView 5834
18.02.2011, 23:21
HoneyView is a fast image viewer supports archived image file for comics/manga/photos.

Its design is light and the interface skin can be changed.
You can set HoneyView as your default image viewer and also add a shell context menu

You can view pictures like a slideshow and change the transition time from 1 to 90 seconds, repeat or randomize, and select the way the slides are changing.
You can view pictures with applied filters, changed interpolation method (Bilinear, Bicubic or Lanczos), additional effects (negative or gamma correction), rotated, or zoomed in or out.
In preferences, you can customize many other options such as file associations, customize keyboard and mouse input, customize the background color, and so on.
When the last or first picture is shown from the current folder, you can be asked for a next folder, loop, or go automatically to the next folder.

* Specifications
Supported Image Formats: BMP, JPG, GIF/Animation GIF, TIFF, PNG, TGA, PSD, JPEG 2000(JP2, J2K), JPEG XR/HD Photo(WDP, HDP), DNG(Adobe Digital Negative)
Supported Archive Formats: ZIP/CBZ, RAR/CBR, LZH/LHA, TAR, 7Z, HV3, ALZ, EGG
Supported Languages: English, French, Polish, Chinese(simplified)

* Features of HoneyView
Double page comic view, left-right reading, right-left reading, fullscreen
Slideshow (random/repeat), zoom(1:1, fit width and/or height, fit-if-larger, lock)
View archives nested within archives, export file from archive, rotate(lock), bookmarks
Exif support, skinable, configurable hotkeys, delete file,
Provides number of filters to enhance images - Smooth/sharpen filtering
Love its hotkey to jump into next book straight away.
Nice transparent toolbar providing few 'jump back/or/forward 10 pages' 'previous/next files', while viewing an image.
Hotkeys to change viewing options of the image and many others.
Set wallpaper, print, portable version available, Native support for 64bit OS

Category: Graphics Viewers | Added by: File-Post
Views: 289 | Downloads: 0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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