Photonizer is an efficient application for creating your personal digital photo albums. It is the ideal application for attaching information to your digital photos like:
persons appearing on photos, events that took place, the year photos were taken and extensive descriptions.
After adding information you can easily search your collection on any combination of these items. Searching for photos containing a particular person during a certain event in a particular year, will be a piece of cake!
Besides that, Photonizer lets you merge albums, create thumbnails, slide shows and albums for the internet. Just in a few easy clicks!
What's new?
Photonizer now includes:
* Support for more graphical formats: bmp, dib, gif, jif, jpg, rle, tga, pcx, cut, ico, iff, koa, lbm, mng, pcd, png, pnm, psd, ras, tif and wbmp files.
* Better thumbnail support. You may now create thousands of thumbnails and show them all in one window without slowing down your machine. Thumbnails are automatically saved and loaded.
* Improved internet support. Photonizer generates more efficient html including thumbnails with a far more better layout. And Photonizer stores your settings for reuse later.
* Extra new features. A small selection. Photonizer is now able to:
- add all photos on a disc to your albums;
- add photos in a tree of folders to your albums;
- open a photo in your favourite edit tool;
- open the photo folder in Windows Explorer;
- navigate through photos in a photo window;
- search your hard drives for Photonizer albums;
- maximize the slide show window by default;
- rotate photos during slide shows;
- rotate photos in a photo window;
- double click on an album in Windows Explorer will start Photonizer.
The information and the location (drive and path) of the photos are stored in an album on your computer. Next time you start photonizer you can directly open the album, change and add information as you wish.